Monday, December 15, 2008

Our First Delve into Insanity...

Welcome, friends (not likely), Family (less likely), and, I don't know, peers (?) to the inner workings of my poor little mind. My name is Austin. Hello. How are you? To sum this whole blog fiasco up, I am the type of person who loves to categorize things in specific order; a list of Absolutes, if you will. Everything in my little life is separated into genres, sub-genres, and then finally into a rank of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Movies, music, food, emotions, experiences, people, EVERYTHING in my life has been organized in a such a way.

So, I've decided to start off this blog with such a list. *ahem* Presenting:

3.I Am Obsessed With Music
Music is what I do, and it has been so for many years now. I've been working towards a degree in music at Boise State University, talking about starting up a label, been in more bands than fingers on my hands, and spent more time in my studio than in school. Music has been the best way for me to express emotion in any sort of subtle, or not so subtle way. People who know me will tell you that I'm creative... or lazy, depending on who you ask. Music is the best way for me to show my creativity, making something that is special and unique to me. Some people get their kicks from sports, school, work, whatever. Me, I'm way too obsessed with my keyboard to sometimes even notice that I'm not wearing pants (truth).

I'm also very smart about music. I can tell you just what's going in at any moment in any song, and I can tell you exactly why you're wrong and/or suck for liking any type of music. Music just makes sense to me, while many things do not.

Dude: "So, [band] is pretty cool."
Austin: "Actually, said band was formed back in the late 80's with Generic Dude on vocals, later opting for More Generic Hot Lady to up record sales. The riffs are bland, sparse, idiotic, and way too radio friendly. I mean, come on, they basically end every song with either a dominant to tonic or Octave to tonic resolution. Very boring."
Dude: "Right. So, anyways, you should come by later to check out my Audi."
Austin: "... I've got an inny...?"

Which, now leads me into number...

2. I Am Very Opinionated
...and I'm often a jerk about it. As proven, I categorize just about everything in my life, so I have pretty solid opinions about everything. I have developed my tastes around things that I consider to be legitimate, unique, or honest, and I will defend those things to no end. I will also argue till I'm red in the face, even if I'm absolutely wrong, simply because I'm that stubborn about my opinions. I'm right, unless proven completely wrong, which, yeah right.

I honestly think that if you aren't picky in life you simply don't care.

I guess this probably fits in, but I'm afraid of looking stupid, so I develop my opinions around as much fact as I can gather, sometimes stretching the truth a bit to make my opinion shine a little more true than it actually is... I believe my older sister can agree with me in how I am tenacious in a debate, even when I'm in the red, just to keep myself from looking like an idiot. However, this usually ends with me being a bigger idiot than I could've imagined.

1. I'm Driven Almost Completely By Emotion
This can prove to be problematic at times, but everything I do in life is usually driven by my emotions. I'm a super affectionate person, and am driven into relationships by this need. I'm attracted to emotionally stimulating activities, music, movies, people, etc. I'm more affected by a dark, moody day laden with fog and contrasting colors than a bland, sunny afternoon.

I thrive on my alone time at night, right before I go to bed when I get to think about everything going on in my life, considering every emotional vantage point, categorizing the most impactful moments for me to utilize in my creative outputs.

According to the infamous Color Personality test, I'm exactly half blue, half red. I am emotional and aggressive... maybe aggressively emotional. Good luck with me.

But, don't be worried. I'm a really friendly person, and I'm very open.

Welcome to my insanity. You here long?


  1. Austin,

    That was remarkably insightful, m' boy! As your old man, I would agree with everything you've written.

    Now, I just hope that I haven't poisoned your blog by a) being your father, and b) agreeing with you.

    I like what you've done. You're turning into a great writer!

    Your Old Man

  2. I like your blog--you're the one other sibling I have who ticks like me, so this oughta be fun. I, too am half blue half red little one...which should give us some fodder to think about.


  3. BTW--do you ever read my blog?

  4. Austin: I respect a person who can 'tell on themselves.' It takes a lot of grit. Thanks for sharing with the world more of who you And from one Red/Blue to another. We are the most internally conflicted of all the color types. We struggle between our need for power...and intimacy. Though I'm nearly 46...I'm just now starting to figure out the balance.

    Good luck. You have a life time to reconcile the 'conflict within.'

    Love mom

  5. Hey baby bother, I dig it. However, I've found that my experience with you has been very casual and laid back. I think that you are much more well rounded individual than you may think.

    You'll always be one of my favorite persons.

    Keep up the good writing my man...


  6. you think it means anything that Josh called you "Baby Bother?"


